Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Brotherly love

at first Jonas didn't quite know what to do with emma grace when i set her on his lap. but as you can see he quickly started exploring his boundaries. he likes to say..."hey sissy!" and he always looks for her when he gets up in the morning or after his nap. i am sure he will be a great big brother!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Good Clean Fun!

Jonas had so much fun with his big cousin, Colin, today. Jonas loves to follow Colin around and try to do what he is doing. If Colin picks up sticks so does Jonas. If Colin plays with blocks so does Jonas. Jonas even decided to drink out of the same cup as Colin...and we wonder why all the kids are sick! I love that they are able to grow up together.

Monday, March 16, 2009

1 month old!

I can't believe that Emma Grace will be a month old tomorrow! She is doing great! She is starting to sleep more at night, lifting her head and looking around more. We are loving getting to know our new bundle of joy!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Warm weather!

after a hard day of playing's time for a bath

We had a great weekend with a lot of backyard fun. Jonas LOVES being outside, collecting rocks, throwing his ball, and running around. We did a lot of little projects to get the backyard more kid friendly. Emma Grace stayed inside and slept for most of the time.

Friday, March 6, 2009

my little craft project

so i decided to do a little project...since i have so much spare time...
i needed a place to hang the babies bath towels. i wanted it to be by the changing table and i wnted it to be personalized for eac of them. this is what i came up with...
it actually was very easy, cost effective (less than $10), and didn't take very much time (considering all the interruptions:)
sorry about the is the only way i can type one-handed and hold emma grace!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Emma Grace is 2 weeks old!