Sunday, August 10, 2008

our new addition

Sorry this picture is not very clear - it is a picture of our first ultra sound for baby number two. Our camera was having a hard time trying to focus the blurry image. Hopefully, we will get some better pictures when we find out the gender - in about a month. This little one was quite a surprise! It was so amazing to see and hear its tiny heart beating at 8 weeks. We are very excited and are looking forward to him/her coming around Feb. 21!


Ansley said...

Yeah! Congrats to you guys! You are the smart one of us two to always be at the end of your pregnancy in the winter months. Don't know why I always end up huge in the summer. :) Hope you are feeling well!

Lainey Bug and John Stanley III said...

Deans! I can't believe it! Congratulations!!!