Thursday, September 4, 2008


I don't have any new pictures of Jonas so I decided to post one of him in the hospital. It is hard to believe that was only 8 months ago. Life sure has changed in so many ways for us over the past 8 months. I am back into the full swing of teaching again...this year I am teaching Kindergarten. Kindergarten is where my heart is...I am enjoying this year (already) so much more than last year. I have a great team of Kindergarten teachers who are so supportive and encouraging. Also, it is the first time in my adult life I have worked at the same job for more than one year. I must say it is nice to know the ropes. Learning new routines, procedures, people, and curriculum can wear a person out. I am looking forward to a great year with my students. There will be lots of laughter and lots of tears - oh...and lots of early nights and even earlier mornings. God has blessed me so much and I am thankful to have to opportunity to work with the students He has brought into my life this year.
On another note, Jonas is getting his 4th tooth, crawling (officially), and pulling up on things! He is so proud of himself! (and we are too!)


Anonymous said...

crawling?? I can't believe it! I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying school!

CharlotteB said...
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CharlotteB said...

Hey! I'd love to see Jonas crawling. Glad you are loving school! Tell Mal hi and Jonas too!

Ansley said...

Could we please see this baby before he starts walking!? :) I cannot believe he is crawling already. My house used to be so clean before my child started moving around. Now it's like I have a minature tornado that hits our home daily. Just think, with two, we are both going to be doomed! :)