Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The cold and the crazy

We woke up to a little bit of snow on Saturday morning! Jonas thought it looked "nice". By the time I got everyone bundled up to go play in it - all the snow had melted. The snow pictures were taken with my head sticking out the door! :)

All bundled up...finally...and waiting for the parade to start!
This was too cute with Jonas watching for "more candy"
So I usually let the water out of the tub when I get the kids out...but tonight for whatever reason I forgot and as I was putting Emma Grace down for bed - Jonas decided to get back in the "bat" with his diaper and jammies on! He is striking a pose!
I knew I could either be mad and frustrated or shake my head, laugh and take a picture (or 2)...


Joc said...

that is so hilarious! i'm glad you took a picture...

Ryan said...

Reminds me of the time Ethan poured maple syrup all over the kitchen floor, and Erin said she just took pictures and laughed. It would be easy to get frustrated, but the little guys didn't do it to be bad. It just looked like fun. : )

Carlos Oliveir said...

I loved the blg of you are in barabensis!
A beautiful family.