Sunday, December 27, 2009

my first slideshow

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The cold and the crazy

We woke up to a little bit of snow on Saturday morning! Jonas thought it looked "nice". By the time I got everyone bundled up to go play in it - all the snow had melted. The snow pictures were taken with my head sticking out the door! :)

All bundled up...finally...and waiting for the parade to start!
This was too cute with Jonas watching for "more candy"
So I usually let the water out of the tub when I get the kids out...but tonight for whatever reason I forgot and as I was putting Emma Grace down for bed - Jonas decided to get back in the "bat" with his diaper and jammies on! He is striking a pose!
I knew I could either be mad and frustrated or shake my head, laugh and take a picture (or 2)...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

This and That

So excited Aunt Beka moved back in town!!! We missed her!
Bob the Builder for Halloween
Potty training isn't that bad - gives Jonas a chance to catch up on all his phone calls! :)
Our snuggle bunny!
At a beautiful wedding!

Friday, October 9, 2009

New life

Getting so excited about my new nephew - he should be here Oct. 26th! (if not before)

Loved meeting Ryan's baby boy, Jack! He is adorable and I can't wait to watch him grow and change!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our cutie patootie

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fun with Grammie at the park

Emma Grace loved splashing her feet in the fountain!

I don't know who had more fun on the carousal...:)

Friday, July 31, 2009

A big fun day

A crash landing - but no tears...only smiles

I think daddy had as much fun as Jonas

This was fun - Jonas loves music and dancing.

So much fun with bubbles

My little fruitaholic - trying to eat the plastic peaches

water play...I think he would have stayed in this area all day

Sunday, July 12, 2009

back in business

We had a lot of fun with Mimi, Charlotte, Katie, and Rick

Aunt Beka is so fun!

Aunt Sarah is cooking us a new cousin!

Love watching father/son fun

Both kids loved the was the perfect temperature

Grandad's first time to meet Emma Grace

3 generations of sports fans!

I don't know which Jonas enjoyed more...the popcorn or the music!

Playing in the fountain - do you think his diaper is just a little water-logged?
He was so cute waddling around! :)

Cousin fun!

Grammy and all her grandbabies

The new jellyfish exhibit is AMAZING!

Colin trying to touch the stingrays...Jonas trying to splash everyone!

I love how Jonas is hugging the cute!

We have gotten a new camera card and have been taking some great pictures. I thought I would share a couple of my favorites from the summer. We had a fun visit with Mimi, Charlotte, Katie, and Rick. We also had a wonderful vacation to Kiawah Island, SC with my sisters and their families and my dad and his wife Susan. We have been enjoying our aquarium pass, and even participated in the All-American past time of going to a baseball game. The kids have been so good and we have been loving experiencing life with them. We have one more trip this summer to see Nana - and then it will be time for school to start again. Time has flown by...I have a peace about teaching again this fall - even though it will be difficult. I would appreciate any one's prayers as we begin another hectic time in our lives.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Well something has happened to our memory stick for the camera - we will have to get another one. So for now I thought I would just give a written update...
Let's see...Mal has been doing some day trips to Knoxville and Nashville with work, he is enjoying his job, he is has discovered the joys of using a smoker and we have had a couple of successful events (I have a feeling we are going to be eating a lot of bbq this summer! :)

Jonas is getting more independent and pushing his limits daily. He is saying more words (everything is hot at the moment), mama (finally!:), daddy, sis, bath (although it sounds more like ba), cracker (or his version), juice, shoes, bye, hi...I'm sure there are more but I can't think of any more at the moment. He is starting to climb up on chairs and he finds things to stand on to get where he wants to go. He is opening drawers and unloading the contents in record speed! Overall, he is a very busy and friendly little guy who loves to laugh and have fun.

Emma Grace is blowing bubbles, cooing and talking, kicking her legs, holding her head up without so much bobbing. Last night was the first night we put her in her crib in their room. I was thinking back to the 3 day rule with Jonas to get him to sleep in his room and I am hoping that 3 days is all it will take with our little princess. Last night she woke Jonas up every time she started crying but then this morning when he was hollering for me to come get him - she slept right through it! I guess that is half the battle...:)

As for me, I am enjoying having the summer off to spend time with the babies and get some projects completed. I am learning to adjust to a new schedule, how to be productive (but not discouraged if I don't accomplish all I set out to do), taking walks, and catching up with friends!

Well...I guess that is all for now...hopefully we will have some pictures to share soon!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

THIS is what I'M talking about!!!