Thursday, May 8, 2008

baseball players and storytellers

It seems this is the week for field trips with first grade. Yesterday we went to see a baseball game (our minor league team - The Lookouts). The children loved it! As we were singing "Take me out to the ballgame" - after the part - "buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks..." one of our little friends yelled, "and NACHOS!" Hilarious!
Then today we went to this AWESOME storytelling festival at Coolidge Park called Tale Spin (click on the Chattanooga link under Fav Web Sites to see more). The children were on the edge of their seats the whole time. This was most definitely one of the year's highlights for me. The storytellers were so captivating! I came home and asked Mal if we could go tomorrow night for our date night. Summer is almost here! Nightfall is about to start, Riverbend is right around the corner, and the Chattanooga Market is open again! I just love living in Chattanooga!


Joc said...

I wanna see some new pics with that new camera of yours. LOVE IT!