Sunday, May 3, 2009

Long overdue...

Well life has been busy here in the Dean household...nothing new there. Here are some pictures we took at Easter. Jonas kept trying to kiss Emma Grace in the one with both of them. :) He is such a good big brother. When Emma Grace is in her car seat and she starts crying he runs over to her and starts rocking her, he gets diapers for her (usually his own...but, hey, he tries), and when she starts crying he will go find a pacifier for her. He is cutting molars right now so he has been in rare form this week plus all the rain means not enough outside play time...whew!
I guess that is our update for now...stay tuned...


livinginthemidwest said...

What a beautiful family...and handsome! :o)

Anonymous said...

Emma Grace is SO cute and SO big!! I need to come see her! You look great, too, Jess!

Karen and Gerald Collins said...

What a great looking family - and your kids are so cute. I love that Jonas is taking such great care of Emma Grace, so sweet!

Unknown said...

She is so cute in her ducky dress :)