Wednesday, June 2, 2010


the match is ON! watch out...they mean business!

one of my favorite pictures~my baby is growing up so fast!
emma grace trying to eat the water! it WAS almost lunch time!

I blog about as often as I pluck my eyebrows! Blogging and plucking eyebrows are both optional in my world...and with so many other activities it gets put on the back burner. I do think about both activities and then say...maybe during the summer or over a break. So here it is...SUMMER!!! WooHoo! I am happy to have a break from the 5am alarm clock, the rush of the day, the physical and emotional exhaustion from being a teacher, a mom, and a wife. Now I can focus on being a mom and a wife (and maybe even a friend!)
TWO WHOLE MONTHS to waste away and fill with nothing but fun activities! Yahoo!


Joc said...

Great pictures!

Tabitha said...

Yahoo!! Wish we could join in the summer fun with you all! You're kids are getting so big!! ENJOY your summer, friend!!

Ryan said...

Yea! I'm glad you're back! (Although I can't say anything b/c I haven't updated mine since I created it.) Love the pics!

kate tolson said...

Yay! Let's get together soon!!