Sunday, April 20, 2008

a haircut, art, and the sniffles

We had a great weekend! Sarah came over on Sat. and we cut Colin's hair. He was so good - he stayed still and let us clip away at his baby locks. He looks like such a big boy now! Then we took off to the 4 Bridges Arts Festival. It was our first time going and it was so much fun. There were about 150 artists featured. There were a lot of Chattanooga and Tennessee folks - however, there were also several from Utah, Wyoming, Minnesota and lots of other places around our great nation. The art was varied and amazing! There were all types of mediums and it was so inspiring. I am already looking forward to next year. Jonas and Colin were troopers - even though Jonas has the sinus sniffles and weepy eyes. Poor baby!

Left: Jonas watches his big cousin get his first haircut and dreams of the day he has enough hair to get his hair cut.
Right: Colin takes a picture of his mommy.


shanna said...

Wow! Colin is so big! How old is he now? Sounds like a fun weekend. You are a brave woman. Scissors + a toddler = possible torture for both of you. I'm glad he did a good job. It looks like you did a good job too!

Joc said...

I'm so sad I missed that festival! I haven't been in a couple of years but I used to be able to find some great gifts. Sounds like y'all had an awesome time.

Alicia said...


You guys are parents!! Congratulations! Jonas is soo adorable and you guys look so happy and like parenting suits you well! Thanks so much for leaving that comment on my blog, I am so happy to be able to reconnect with you guys and see how you are doing and what is new with you.
love to all THREE of you!