Saturday, March 22, 2008

thoughts from the heart

As I was digging up bricks in the back yard I noticed something in the corner of the yard. We have some plants (tulips maybe...) growing and one of them is growing right through a hole in a piece of cement block. It really made me think - Wow! That plant really wants to grow - it is finding any way it can to push through that little hole to find the sun. I think that is how Christ wants us to be - striving toward Him - even when there are obstacles in our life that seem to get in the way - we need to keep our focus on the Son. Just like He created that plant to grow - we also, were created to grow.


ALXT said...

Thanks, you made my day. It was refreshing, this entry.

Jesus loves. :)

Mimi said...

This spiritual lesson was a real blessing to me Jess. thanks a lot.
Also I would like an update on the "three day rule". I hope it's still working!!
"He drew me with cords of love"
Hos. 11:4
Love, Mimi